Cubase vs. Logic

Apple Logic Studio product imageI know I said I’d like to keep the blog free of discussions of software or hardware. But then, I also wanted the blog to enrich Internet with original content valueable to newcomers and professionals alike, or something like that, so that’s my excuse.

Besides, people constantly ask the versus questions, which fuels all sorts of flame throwing. I’m using both DAWs equally often now, so I’ll try to give you an idea why/when you’d use one over the other without all the “Logic just sounds better” crap.

UPDATE: Now that I’ve used Logic for quite some time, I have a bit of an update.

I have to admit it – the only reason I got a copy of Logic Express was because of Mac OS. Right now I’m using a MacBook for most of my composing, which has XP installed on a separate partition via BootCamp. I have Cubase SL3 installed under Win, and since it’s not a universal binary, I’m forced to load up Windows whenever I want to use Cubase. I’m almost done saving up for Studio 4, but it’s pretty much the same software as SL3 anyway, so my comparison should still be valid.

cuve versus logic graph

LEARNING CURVE. The first thing new users want to know about is how hard it is to use the software. Now, this is one of the weirdest myths about Logic. If you do a bit of research like you should, you will find people saying that Logic has a very steep learning curve. That’s actually the biggest lie about Logic I have ever encountered. If you talk to those people, 9 out of 10 times they will admit that Logic was their first DAW. So, what you really need to be learning here is something else:

Bigass thousand-dollar Digital Audio Workstations have steep learning curves.

Having learnt Cubase fairly thoroughly and used things like Live, Reason, Fruity Loops and even trackers (omg, I totally have to make a post about those!) Logic did seem a bit intimidating at first. No more than any other new big piece of software, though – after reading a fairly accessible book on Logic on the bus to school or work, you will probably be writing your first tunes in a few days or sooner. Not to promote the author or anything, but the same guy who wrote that book also has a DVD available which provides you with the exact same information but in a much more concise and visual manner. I’ve actually watched the DVD one slow evening, and then bought the book afterwards in hopes of learning even more – had to return the book, it was the exact same stuff.

Anyway, there would be two ways of going about mastering any DAW on the market – starting from the basics, and learning everything, from how MIDI works, to send and insert FX, to audio editing; or, alternatively, just clicking buttons randomly, enjoying the mysterious and dangerous sonic trip, and learning as you go. Really up to you which approach to take, as long as you make tunes while at it. I started off just clicking everything I see, and later, when I’ve actually read a book on Cubase after about 2-3 years of using it, I found a few time saving tricks as well as a few things that I did more efficiently than the book suggested.

By the way, Logic has a much nicer manual than Cubase, which is targeted towards humans a bit more but still confuses you quite a bit.. If you have no idea how DAWs work, try that Training Series book on Logic, or one of the books from the Power! series on Cubase. Oh, and check with your local library – they might have something too.

Logic GUI

INTERFACE. One thing that Steinberg did change in the latest Cubase 4, which is now relatively bug free from what I’m reading over on Cubase.Net, is the interface. Logic, however, hasn’t changed very much since the early versions which certainly made it easier for the long-time users to upgrade. The interface is a highly personal preference though, so I can only go so far to compare the two. Both programs are quite sophisticated, so there is always a way to do whatever you want in either one (except for gardening – I just can’t seem to find it in the manual).

First of all, Logic’s layout uses muted dark colours along with a clean concise layout. Compared to Cubase, everything looks less cluttered and easy to navigate around. I haven’t used the earlier versions much, but v.7 feels quite in line with the rest of the Apple products – clean, slick and professional. Oh, and the dark interface is a Godsend if you’re like me, and get your best ideas at about 3 AM (and of course you hate them in the morning). Cubase really makes my eyes water sometimes, even after tweaking the colour preferences.

Next, Logic features a nice screenset feature, which Cubase now has too apparently. A screenset is the layout of your current windows saved and mapped to the number keys on the keyboard. Example to decypher that – you have the arrange window open with all your tracks. Press 2 on your keyboard, close all the windows that show up, and open the track mixer. Now if you hit 1, you’ll go back to the arrange window and everything you had open. Hit 2 again – and you see your mixer. You can instantly switch between your workspaces like that. Very handy if you don’t have a huge display. Cubase can do it too now, but you have to map the sets to weird two/three button shortcuts which is pretty lame. That’s because in Cubase the number keys are mapped to all the tools (Pencil, Eraser, Line Tool etc.) which is handy in its own right. Some people might say that you can completely remap the whole keyboard to suit your workflow. I personally don’t have that much free time, and besides, learning the default layout means that I can go to someone else’s place and feel at home straight away (especially if there is alcohol in the fridge; and blue cheese).

logic midi 1MIDI. Logic is often called the best software for MIDI. Again, I don’t feel that that’s telling the truth entirely. Logic is very flexible for routing and configuring MIDI. In certain scenarios when you have tons of outboard gear it indeed gives you a very straight forward and customizable environment to set up your MIDI paths. But then I don’t feel like it’s something very many home composers will want to do. Plug-ins are getting better by the day, dayjob wages aren’t. A lot of musicians have a keyboard, and maybe a synth or two if they’re really nerdy. Frankly, I’m not sure if I like editing MIDI in Logic as much as in Cubase. It’s kind of a love-hate thing.

For instance, Logic will remember the last velocity you’ve used for a note, and automatically apply it to the next one you create. Can be very handy, but can also be a pain if you’d rather prefer it created all the new notes with the same default velocity. Parameter automation is a bit tricky too – unlike in Cubase which divides the Piano Roll window into two parts, letting you edit the controller data in the lower one, in Logic you have to open up a separate editor to, for instance, change the behavior of the Modulation wheel. I don’t touch my wheel very often, thankfully, but some people may want to add vibrato to fake FM guitars, and edit it later. Which will actually be a very modest price to pay for using fake FM guitars in a song to begin with.

Apart from a few quirks, which may not even bother some people, the two DAWs are both very well MIDI-equipped. There are a few things Logic is more advanced at, but it mostly deals with ‘low-level’ MIDI programming. If you’re interested in that, you can stop reading right here and go buy Logic. But finish the math homework first. We shall move onto audio meanwhile.

AUDIO. Now audio is something Logic kind of sucks at.

Instead of dwelling on all the differences, it’s best to decide on the kind of music you’d like to compose. If it mostly involves live instruments, or heavy audio file manipulation, Cubase will probably be better for you. That’s not to say that the audio features in Logic aren’t terrible – Cubase just has a lot of little things that you’ll grow to appreciate after you’ve assembled a library of takes of each instrument in the band that you need to be able to quickly navigate, pull particular takes from, splice different takes together to build a ‘perfect’ one, and then join it all seamlessly into one audio file with effects printed. And trust me, if your studio time isn’t limited, and you have to record a band, you will appreciate those features at the end of the day when you have hours worth of recorded takes.

If, on the other the other hand, you mostly compose with virtual instruments and MIDI, occasionally recording vocals, some guitar, or bagpipe, Logic’s audio capabilities will probably be more than sufficient for you. Press record, lay down a take or two, trim it a bit, and you’re done – that’s the sort of thing you’d want to do in Logic.

SOUND. Oooh no, you d’int! Everyone knows that Logic sounds better! Well, that’s kind of partially true. I have conducted tests comparing how the two sum audio up, and in the end realized I’ve wasted time – both sound identical. However, the plug-ins Logic comes with are fantastic. I didn’t believe it until I heard them – they’re very sweet. Almost too sweet sometimes. Basically that means that in case of Cubase you could get by with what it comes with, but you’d get a better bargain with Logic. Cubase, even version 4, comes with pretty boring synths, while, for instance, the dead simple monosynth in Logic sounds a lot like a Minimoog.

Some argue that Cubase comes with pretty decent plugins, but I personally can’t make them sound good. I tried, I really did. At one point my faith in Steinberg was so huge I challenged myself to make a track entirely with the standard plugins. It was a bit of a torture as all the synths sounded pretty dull and dry. This might start another flame war, but once you’ll play with a good analog hardware synth, you’ll know what I mean. 

Speaking of EQ, some people say the Cubase one is fine. Here is an easy test – open up the EQ, and boost the very top and bottom ends of the range. A comparison photographers would easily get – it’s like comparing negatives with digital. In Cubase, doing that seems to just bring up the dirt. In Logic though, all of the sudden you get sweet but not brittle brightness in the highs, almost as if an exciter was applied, and the lows get more defined, as opposed to transforming into muddy thumping. Oh, and the compressor.. The list goes on. The plugins rock, that’s as much as you need to know. And everyone needs plugins, whether you record a band, or that weird synth+bagpipe project of yours.

OTHER STUFF. First off – on the topic of support. Logic is now under Apple’s wing, so it gets all the chicks (or geeks?) and all the special treatment. There is a new OS update, a new Mac coming out, a new iPhone with a 20″ screen – Logic is going to run on it, and you know it. Cubase – not so fast. Steinberg is a fairly small German company which has indeed achieved great heights with Cubase (and is now under rather invisible supervision of Yamaha), but still can’t directly compete with Logic as far as support goes. On the other hand, I haven’t seen any major updates for Logic in a long time, while Steinberg is constantly thinking up of new ways to make our lives easier and our wallets emptier (and our heads more bald as Cubase goes *poof* for no apparent reason).

Cube is also available for both Windows and Macs, which makes it pretty much the only choice between the two if you own a PC. Still, it gives you more flexibility, and transitioning to Mac easier, as your Mac friends will inevitably drive you to switch over sometime soon.

VERDICT. I grew up on Cubase. I’ve used it for quite a few years now, and when I found out that Liam Howlett used it for the album, I almost peed my pants. But I also got a Mac now, and would really like to say bye-bye to Windows. My next step is to upgrade to Cubase Studio 4 which will run on the MacBook, and I can probably get rid of the Windows partition for good. I think I like both programs, and as far as I know it’s not illegal, unlike having two wives. Works for me!

As to you, the summary of features would be as follows:

  • Cubase: Great combination of audio and MIDI, for PC and Mac, but fairly shitty plugins. Made in Germany though.
  • Logic: A pleasure to work in, great plug-ins, but alright on the audio side. Totally ready for that day when you win a million dollars and buy tons of external gear though.

If you own a Mac, I’d probably say go with Logic. Or Garage Band even, it uses the exact same audio engine. And buying certain audio gear will get you Cubase LE too, which is still better than nothing.

52 Responses to “Cubase vs. Logic”

  1. 1 Marcos Vampa August 24, 2007 at 2:27 am

    Logic’s Hyper Edit and Hyper Draw is the best editing midi tools of all softwares. Hyper Draw in Score is specially amazing.

  2. 2 Håkon August 29, 2007 at 11:04 am

    Logic was made by Emagic, who were also based in Germany.

  3. 3 earpick August 29, 2007 at 5:15 pm

    Yup. That’s right. What does that change though?

  4. 5 Nadav October 11, 2007 at 9:47 pm

    Hehe, I liked your painting of the learning curve (“wii rulez!”)

    Thanks for the nice blog, Nadav

  5. 6 earpick October 11, 2007 at 10:18 pm

    Thanks for the comment! I should probably update it a little more often :(

  6. 7 Ian Bamford January 31, 2008 at 6:30 pm

    Best comparison I’ve read so far. I started with Logic on PC back in the dark ages, went to cubase, traction, ableton etc. Now back with logic 8 on Mac and making music instead of tweaking till the inspiration gets lost. It’s a dream come true.

  7. 8 paul February 4, 2008 at 3:20 pm

    Useful info thanks. I wonder how they compare as CPU hogs? I am reaching the limits of my MacBook when using Cubase Studio and am wondering if Logic might be more efficient. Anyone have any opinion on that/


  8. 9 earpick February 4, 2008 at 4:45 pm

    Well, it’s quite hard to say without knowing how many tracks you typically use, how many and what plugins are applied, and which virtual instruments if any you have loaded up. Both apps can generally be CPU hogs with a lot of plugins, but over at I have found a number of comparisons where people had cubase run Cubase both under OS X and via Bootcamp, and they have pointed out better performance of Cube under OS X.

    My logic (heh) is that Logic is Apple’s own software hence it would be better optimized and supported under their own OS. The aforementioned comparisons and my own experience with Digital Performer support that. For that reason, and ever since Apple has come out with the greatly improved (AND more affordable) Logic Studio I have switched over to it completely.

  9. 10 MW April 25, 2008 at 5:52 am

    which version of logic was this using?

    apologies if it said in the article and i missed it.

    I’m considering buying a mac for the sole purposes of running logic, i can’t put my finger on it, but something about it is calling me :)

  10. 11 enigma May 22, 2008 at 3:21 pm

    What do yo mean with audio engine?… What´s the difference between logic and cubase?. I asked.. I use now logic 8.0.1 and It has a lot of bugs.. (I can´t sync virus TI plugin , It´s always late, big latency). I´ll try to edit some wave into editor and logic crashed. Why?

    Can anybody tell me if is better working audio with cubase?

    p.s. I hate cubase plugins and cubase vsti instruments. I love es2, ultrabeat and garageband instruments.

    Logic cpu consume i lower than cubase cpu.

  11. 12 earpick May 22, 2008 at 7:20 pm

    I’m in the process of writing Part 2 of this post. But, I’m not quite sure what you mean when you say you have latency issues – none here even if you use the onboard Mac audio card. As to the TI can’t say – don’t own one :)

  12. 13 Exit2atlantis June 22, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    By far, one of the best “Cubase vs. Logic” articles, thanks for it! I started music production with Ableton Live 5 back in 2005 and so, that’s all I know but, I have been looking seriously at Logic and Cubase as the next DAW to purchase. From what I hear, Live makes things a whole lot easier than both and so, why even look at the 2 others. Your thoughts?

  13. 14 earpick June 23, 2008 at 5:25 am

    Really depends on what you’re doing — I’ve tried Live before and while quite fun and superb for jotting down ideas, I found it a bit too limiting and hard to achieve anything complex coming from Cubase.

  14. 15 Rick T September 16, 2008 at 5:08 pm

    Hello. Im am using reason as of right now. Been using it for about 1 year and a half. Reason is becoming dry and the inspiration is leaving and the stock sounds are very dull with no depth…I want 2 switch from reason to logic 8 or SONAR. Any input ur suggestions?

  15. 16 Emre Yazgin September 23, 2008 at 10:24 pm

    I have been using both since more than 10 years and my favourite is Cubase, BOTH for midi and for audio. Once you start entering your own shortcuts, your own macro’s etc. I can challange any logic user living on earth to do ANY midi or audio task quicker than me I will kill myself. Yes I know I sound too sure about myself, but I am not talking %£$%£^. I use cubase 4.5 at the moment, every day at least 8 hours a day professionally and I am never stuck at any point due to the software’s limitations. Some would tell you that “logic never crashes” or “logic is more powerful” or “logic is better with midi”. No sir, its not. Logic DOES crashes, logic DOES have a shitty interface which is not simple at all, Logic DOES NOT work smoothly when you push it hard. Try going into record mode and then try exiting from record mode and activating another audio track to record without stopping the playback, well? you can’t do it?.

  16. 17 Plat November 12, 2008 at 9:18 pm

    I heard that Logic is the DAW for men.

    • 18 jake October 10, 2010 at 12:20 pm

      i herd that logic is for girls as ferry corten tiesto showtek and pretty much all magor trance producers use cubase the way i see it cubase is made for trance and logic for more rock bands

  17. 19 earpick November 13, 2008 at 12:02 am

    You got it. So, sorry if you’re a girl, you’ll just have to use FruityLoops =))

  18. 20 MUZICPHILES November 17, 2008 at 5:15 am

    i like your article

    i not a great fan of mac softwares.
    i love logic for the plugins though..
    but if you have a good set of plugins.. i don’t think one will look at using logic as a daw as
    it does not have the powerful features that cubase offers..
    a few drawbacks on logic i felt were.
    1]a mono view of a stereo waveform
    2]no lane editing in midi veiw[acc to your article]
    3]no offline processing

    these are very important editing and processing functions which i need on daily basis.. maybe it is a part of my workflow and you may bave a workabout in logic..but then these features lack.
    apart from that.. can you tell me what are the equivalents of ..
    1]logical editor of cubase ?
    2]macro function
    3]unattended midi to audio rendering[with a third party app by phil pendlebury]
    4]warp grid
    5]audio quantize and taking quantize from an audio clip

    p.s -as far as the workspaces are concerned they are mapped on alt+1,2,3..
    i think they work fine .. maybe a stolen concept from logic but it works well here..

  19. 21 earpick November 17, 2008 at 7:51 am

    Since writing this article I have switched to Logic entirely. Gotta write up another one.

    By the way, the entire site has moved to – this blog hasn’t been updated with new articles for a while now.

  20. 22 Quaz April 16, 2009 at 3:17 pm

    Cubase 5 is awesome. Stable, feature rich, and works lovely with my UAD cards.

    I was a LONG time Logic user. I switched to Cubase not because I wasn’t happy with Logic, but because I wasn’t willing to spend a few grand on a new computer just to keep running Logic. I have never looked back.

    Truth be told, when I switched to Cubase many years ago…I felt like I was giving up some functionality. I was using Cakewalk before Logic…and Logic just felt like “grown man” software.

    I think Cubase has come of age as of version 4.

    Still…I wrote some great songs with Logic back in the day….shedding a tear now.


  21. 23 James June 11, 2009 at 4:03 pm

    Logic pro 8 is aboustley amazing – for audio and midi to many people think cubase is ‘amazing’ when its not.
    Apart from the way it looks, the plug-ins and virtual instruments are so bad its funny, its so complicated to do simple things, when your on logic it’s nice to be in and you like to be on it :)
    and the things you get with logic 8!!!
    soundtrack,mainstage(wow)logic pro 8,all the jam packs…. what do you get with cubase which is even more expensive!!

    I produce backing tracks for companies (theatre sort of songs) and i have various kontakt plugins and i use lots of exs24 and it’s just brilliant. The things you can do on logic are so much better than Cubase, i could go on forever saying how much better logic is, i have cubase on my PC and its aboustley terrible compared to what i can do on logic pro 8, Protools is better than cubase anythings better than cubase, garageband is better!! i would buy a mac just for garageband if i had the money (thats how i started off) i bought an EMAC just for garageband from ebay.

    And the fact you can sample your own sounds in logic and just do anything you want!! it’s not stopped me from doing anything i want so far,
    just little things for e.g like
    i was making a song the other day which i had a sample of a cymbal crash (this is audio now) and i wanted to have this cymbal crash every so often, so i just copied it (apple C) and then while the song was playing!! i pasted it at the right time (Apple V) at the right timing in the song, and did that for every beat and it kept up with me and actually let me do it,
    if i attempted anything like that in cubase it would crash or not let me do it!!
    so much things logic does are so much better, and i think logic and protools ARE the best to work with.


  22. 24 earpick June 11, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    You don’t have to tell me brother — I completely switched to logic since writing this and absolutely adore it. can’t live without it. I’m getting a little sick of Apple but Logic is what keeps me on the platform heh.

  23. 25 Logic Lover July 29, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    Hi to the creator of this blog. I have never seen a comparison as such in years between Logic and Cubase and I dont think I would bother even looking for another as I know the answer. Logic is for me and I am for Logic. I began with Cubase for a year or two. But then immediately changed to Logic. Since then Logic has been my main Arranging, sequencing, MIDI and Audio software. I have used it for many things apart from Music Production.

    It not just with Logic, but with any software any one begins with, they get used to it. All the shortcuts, the tricks and techniques. However, if someone wants to use Cubase they can, we aint stopping them. But no one can stop me from using Logic.

    I used to think twice about going back to Cubase. Why? because I thought that the interface, the graphics look more real to Analogue or Hardware equipment in a studio. Such as mixers and rack modules etc. Though there are many software that have these advanced graphics. They may help by giving you a fresh newer and cleaner look, but is the quality the same? One person mentioned above about some functions in Cubase such as Warp Grid, Audio Quantization and Macros etc. Well, using Logic myself, I began discovering things. I am ok with editing MIDI, the built in synths and virtual instruments are amazing, not only they have presets, but you can re-model them to your liking or even start from scratch.

    You can edit MIDI using Hyper-Draw, Its also useful if you want to have a particulat MIDI part fading in and out or variating in volume, pitch, modulation and other changes.

    Finding the tempo is not a problem in Logic. Use your brain. I was a DJ in my early years. I still do to promote my music. Having that skill of changing the tempo on the fly while a loop is in cycle mode, i can find the exact tempo until it sounds smooth. other than that, there are ways that Logic allows you to find the tempo. I also have a third party plug-in that allows me to sense a loops tempo. After setting that tempo, if it is slightly of quant, then you can adjust it by using the re-groove function by doubling clicking the audio region and using the drop down menus there. There are many things you can do. It not what the software can do, its about what you can do with the software.

    As for the Macros, again not a problem. When you double click a MIDI part, it shows the Piano Roll with the timeline/bars with a grid (Im sure you all know what I mean). There you have your notes inputted. If you want to move one note, say for e.g. the C to a C#, all you do is click the wrong note you have inputted on the left (on the Piano Keys), it then selects the whole line of notes, then you click + Hold and Click + Drag to the desired note, C# in this case. Other way is to press and hold the shift key and click individual notes that need to be transposed, then release the shift key, and click and drag the notes to desired note. It is much easier than opening up a box that you try and program to make changes. Its more hands on and you know exactly what you are doing with your notes. The rest is dependant on your ear, if you know how the notes should sound.

    Anyway, theres so much we could discuss. I dont have much time, and im sure others do not want to waste time. Please use what you want, but I personally think Logic is the way forward.

  24. 26 jpt October 23, 2009 at 3:33 am

    All – as I am shopping for a Mac (Mac Mini) DAW, and trying to compare the two DAW’s in question here, this was a great source of comparisons. What I wanted to know, just having gotten onto Mac, is: has the Mac/Logic audio quality improved with the more updated versions of Logic and/or Mac OSX? I’m particularly interested in the audio side, as I do almost all “live” guitar, etc, and using DOD drum files. Give me the scoop. Cheers, jt, Simi Valley CA

  25. 27 Zerstoerer November 22, 2009 at 4:04 pm

    I use both – Cubase 4 and Logic 8 – Cubase has some very importend festurer, e.g. mixer maps, very helbful for external gear – Logic is great for mixing, the plugs are just bombastic – its not a cheap solution, but i see it as aninvestement in the future, you never know which daw will have a sudden death, great article , thanks z

  26. 28 spinnerama November 28, 2009 at 2:07 am

    Some very interesting points of view. I have been using Cubase AI4 for the past few months on a PC. Although it isn’t a full version of Cubase, it does allow me to do some things that I can’t do with having nothing. I’ve used Cubase many years ago on a Mac and it worked fine. But that was even before they started recording audio. I’ve even used Notator on an Atari 1040 if anyone remembers that.

    I am now in the market for an upgrade from the AI4 and am trying to decide between Logic and Cubase full version. The cost for the Logic will be considerable because I don’t have a Mac. That being said I will spend the money if Logic is the way to go. Reading thru peoples responses it seems that it may be.

    My question, does anyone know a site to compare “stats” between the 2 programs?

    Also, besides plug-ins….what other features does Logic excel on?

    Hopefully someone can help me out.

  27. 29 erisidharta February 9, 2010 at 4:49 am

    great article ! now i would definitely go for logic. thanks

  28. 30 barkabarka February 16, 2010 at 5:18 am

    Frankly, who the hell cares about ‘made in Germany’. dude, the germans are way overrated. not saying they are not creative – they are. but so are the japanese – roland/korg/yamaha/tascam/akai. so are the americans (inventor of synthesizer).

    german quality ain’t all that – lots of bugs exist.

    so let’s stop kissing german ass and start making music.

  29. 31 b to the m to the m March 18, 2010 at 5:44 am

    i don’t think anyone was kissing anyone’s ass – the first post that brought up ‘made in Germany’ simply said they’re both made there, nothing else. in my opinion, i think the poster was just pointing out a fact or a similarity between the two.

  30. 32 Melody-Boy March 30, 2010 at 4:28 pm

    I used both programs and I find Cubase is better than logic in every way audio, midi, mixer. I happen to used Cubase 5 and I have used Cubase for 9 years and logic for 4 years. Cubase has better sounds and pluggins and it’s cheaper. You can buy a PC and run Cubase but for Logic you need an expensive MAC. Here are the order of all music software… 1. Cubase, 2. Logic, 3. Protools, 4. Cakewalk, 5. Garage Band.

    Hope this helps

  31. 34 mitjak March 30, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    Not at all helpful actually heh. Not to start a flame war but have you checked out Logic lately? If the last time you did was when Cubase 5 came about then you’ve been missing out on a lot of features. The GUI has been completely redesigned and it comes with even more superb sounding plugins than before. Cubase’ plugins are unfortunately still very sucky so it’s inevitable that you’ll end buying some sort of plugin suite off the bat.

    Also, did I mention the whole Logic suite is $499 now?

  32. 35 John O'Shaugh September 13, 2010 at 11:35 pm

    Logic is AWESOME! I’ve been using it myself since 1995 when it was known as Emagic Logic. I also use Cubase due to the fact that many musicians use it on Windows.
    THe Hyperedit and hyperdraw windows are brilliant and the “object” feature that represents all equipment as objects that can be “cable connected” is so easy.
    The learning curve is not steep, it’s just the manual is difficult to read. I have been giving tutorials to musicians for years and they pick it up really fast once you get it customised to their situation.
    Some people make a comment that one “sounds better” than the other. This is not possible. It perhaps is that if you work better in one environment over another and therefore produce better results.
    For me nothing beats the absolute finesse and detail and in-depth editing ease of LOGIC
    I’ve used both (in all their incarnations) extensively on a daily basis for 15 years.

  33. 36 stu October 15, 2010 at 10:51 am

    Cubase everytime. If you want really powerful midi and audio editing then it absolutely outshines Logic. Logic gets by because it comes with a load of loops and some decent effects etc. Once you get some quality third pary effects and instruments in cubase the war is over . . . logic lies bleeding.

  34. 37 slydelic9 June 16, 2011 at 1:42 am

    ACID PRO,PRO TOOLS AND FLS PAWNS ALL, cubase anf reasons is alright.

  35. 38 cheese August 17, 2011 at 6:47 am

    I use both because I have to…. bet he’s back using Cubase now:) Cubase 6 way outshines Logic (unless you are still at school and make use of the cheap and cheezy content).

  36. 39 jan Kees April 19, 2012 at 6:51 pm

    I used Cubase for quite some time. now I’m forced to work with logic, do have to admit, my workflow is much quicker inside cubase. I can’t find any quicker way to do the automation inside logic. also the metering is different compared to cubase. the way i should make a side chain compressor, also different than cubase. I LOVE CUBASE! its just my flow… Nice blog (just my perspective :))

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